DigiDeck.io by GentBit Inc.: Revolutionizing Online Booking for Your Business

At GentBit Inc., we’re proud to introduce DigiDeck, our smart booking tool that’s reshaping how businesses handle online appointments and bookings. For enterprises not ready to develop their own platform, DigiDeck offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution.

What Is DigiDeck?

DigiDeck is a multi-business service booking software designed to simplify and streamline your appointment scheduling processes​​. Whether you’re a small local business or a growing enterprise, DigiDeck is tailored to meet your diverse needs.

Key Features of DigiDeck:

  • Ready-to-Use Booking Website: Immediately after signing up, you get a fully functional booking site, customized to your business​​.
  • Online Bookings Made Easy: Accept online bookings directly through your own site, making it convenient for your clients​​.
  • Staff and Client Portals: Both your staff and clients get access to their own portals, ensuring seamless management and user experience​​.
  • Flexible Payment Options: With DigiDeck, you can accept both online and offline payments, offering versatility to your clients​​​​.
  • Global Reach: Your business knows no bounds. Share your booking page URL on any social platform or email, allowing you to accept bookings from anywhere in the world​​.
  • Zoom Integration: Manage your virtual meetings and classes easily with DigiDeck’s Zoom integration, connecting you with customers globally​​.

Why Choose DigiDeck for Your Business?

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial. However, developing a custom booking platform can be time-consuming and costly. DigiDeck provides a ready-made solution that’s both efficient and cost-effective. It’s a smart tool for businesses in Sherbrooke, QC, and beyond, looking to grow their online business in a smart way​​.

Get Started with DigiDeck:

Experience the full capabilities of DigiDeck with our 14-day trial, no credit card required. It’s an opportunity to see firsthand how DigiDeck can transform your business operations​​.


DigiDeck by GentBit Inc. is more than just a booking tool; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to take your business to the next level. Embrace the future of online booking and join the ranks of successful businesses utilizing DigiDeck today.

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We are a team of top professionals based in Canada who love partnering with good people and businesses to help them achieve online success.

We’re focused on honing our crafts and bringing everything we have to the table for our clients. We create custom, functional websites focused on converting your users into customers.

Each of us loves what we do and we feel that spirit helps translate into the quality of our work. Working with clients who love their work combines into a fun, wonderful partnership for everyone involved.


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